Cologne: 26.–28.11.2024 #PMRExpo

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Hackathon@PMRExpo: AI-supported Solutions for Effective Crisis Management

Artificial intelligence and applications based on it, such as ChatGPT and chatbots, are advancing and of great interest in communications technology. This technology may considerably improve communication and coordination in crises and emergency situations.

The inaugural Hackathon@PMRExpo is aimed at exhibitors, visitors, and those interested in PMRExpo, brought together the brightest tech talents to collectively tackle a challenge: AI-supported solutions with the potentieal to improve crisis management, assist in decision making and increase the general effectiveness of communication in critical situations. Promoting a responsible use of artificial intelligence playeds a pivotal role here.

48 hours – 1 common goal

Participants in the hackathon are treated to an exciting 48-hour design and coding marathon, which not only offers lots of fun and numerous networking opportunities, but also attractive cash prizes, free catering and accommodation.

Members of the Hackathon@PMRExpo community are proactively informed about the status of the planning during the preparation phase and are able to actively participate in and contribute to the Hackathon@PMRExpo via the SLACK communication platform.

Exhibitors at PMRExpo 2024 are able to actively collaborate with hackathon participants to develop solutions to unsolved problems, meet talent and benefit from the lively atmosphere, but also present themselves as drivers of innovation.

Visitors to PMRExpo 2024 are invited to network with the Hackathon participants and partners of Hackathon@PMRExpo throughout the event, listen the Kick Off reception 26 November and the final pitches and result presentations 28 November.

Possible solutions

The following challenges have been identified as examples but it shouldn't not restrict the community in its ideation process.

Chatbot for emergency measures

A chatbot created with ChatGPT could provide information, instructions and resources in real time during emergencies. The chatbot could in this way be used to distribute important updates, to help people get to safety and to offer assistance in a crisis.

Multilingual communication

AI-based language translation tools or chatbots simplify communication in multilingual environments during crises. This can contribute to overcoming language barriers, making it possible to provide all of the affected people with the right information.

Engagement and support of the community

The participants of the Hackathon can examine how AI and ChatGPT can increase the engagement and support of the community during a crisis, and how a quick connection between those affected and volunteer networks or psychosocial aid services can be established.

Crisis mapping and visualisation

Hackathon teams can work on AI-controlled tools, analyse and visualise the crisis-related data. This includes real time incident reports, social media updates and satellite images. These tools help emergency teams and authorities to acquire a picture of the situation and reach decisions supported by data.

Verification of information and fact checking

In the context of the Hackathon, the focus could be on the development of AI systems that help with checking the accuracy and reliability of crisis-related information distributed online. These provide an important tool in combating false information, rumours and fake news in critical situations.

Monitoring and analysis of social media

Participants can also pursue the question of how AI can help in monitoring social media platforms and the early recognition of crises, the identification of trends, the analysis of sentiments and understanding public opinion and needs in emergencies.

Resilience and readiness training

The developers could also concentrate on the programming of AI-controlled training tools or simulations that improve crisis reaction and preparation. These tools have the potential to provide virtual training scenarios, interactive simulations and educational resources for emergency teams and members of the community.

Personal safety and risk assessment

With the development of AI tools or mobile applications that use ChatGPT, personalised safety recommendations, risk assessments or evacuation plans could be determined on the basis of individual circumstances during a crisis.

PMRExpo Hackathon powered by COREVAS ©

Partner and Organizer

Corevas GmbH & Co. KG is leveraging an extensive experience in hackathons and is well known as the company behind EmergencyEye® , fostering user-centric and break-through innovation.