Cologne: 26.–28.11.2024 #PMRExpo

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Private broadband networks

Modern processes critical for deployment and communications call for a variety of requirements of mobile communications solutions, which, in addition to traditional voice radio, also make broadband mobile data services necessary. Companies, authorities and organisations with security and safety tasks (BOS) require the highest degree of security and reliability for the transmission of speech and data. The ever-increasing number of data applications in this environment requires autonomous concepts and an infrastructure adapted to individual needs.

Dedicated networks offer greater independence

When an authority or company decides in favour of a broad band network, the question arises as to whether it should use its own private network or the network of a commercial, public mobile service provider. When a public mobile service operates a broadband network, it also functions as a service provider. In this case, the user is to a great extent dependent upon the features of the network of the public network operator. For many authorities and companies, however, independence from mobile service providers and from the public mobile phone network is of elementary importance. A decision in favour of a private, thus a dedicated broadband network means independence from the properties of the network of a public network operator at the company location.

Tailored solutions for individual needs

With a private broadband network, planning, provision, and operation takes place practically single-handedly. With this model, the operating costs are dependent upon the number of wireless mobile devices. However, higher procurement costs must be considered when establishing one's own campus network. The know-how for the setting up and operation of one's own broadband network need not, however, of necessity be anchored in the company. Planning, provision, and operation of the network can be carried out by qualified partners and service providers. The company thus acquires a tailored, individual network. Should new requirements require an expansion of the performance features of the network, this is also possible.