Cologne: 26.–28.11.2024 #PMRExpo

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Vorstellung PMeV-Handreichung - Alarmierung von Einsatzkräften per Smartphone-App | Event on the PMRExpo 2023

Presentation of PMeV handout - Alerting emergency services via smartphone app

from PMRExpo
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German with simultaneous translator
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PMRExpo Eventteam
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
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The event

In 2021, the sub-working group "UAG App Alerting" was formed from the PMeV working group "AG Operations". Due to the rapid increase in the number of different smartphone apps for alerting emergency services and the associated number of proprietary interfaces to control center technology, the sub-working group has set itself the goal of bringing structure and uniformity to this forward-looking alerting technology with a generally applicable handbook. The document is now available as a draft version and describes the tactical, technical and legal requirements for an alerting system for emergency services via smartphone app. The main contents and the history of the development of this version will be presented in the lecture.



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