Cologne: 26.–28.11.2024 #PMRExpo

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Interoperabilität verschiedener KRITIS Funktechnologien - Ein Überblick | Event on the PMRExpo 2023

Linking various KRITIS Radio Networks - An Overview

from PMRExpo
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German with simultaneous translator
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
PMRExpo Eventteam
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Congress Centre North, Rheinsaal

The event

Radio technologies für critical infrastructure networks (KRITIS) have high requirements on the utilized technologies and solutions. For a KRITIS application, each radio technology has its own pros and cons. Combining various technologies to support several applications in the best possible way requires gateways and backbone interfaces, making it possible to link these technologies. This presentation gives an overview about strength and weaknesses of common radio technologies and presents some examples of how various complementing technologies can be linked which each other.


Vertical Innovation Manager

HMF Smart Solutions GmbH