Cologne: 26.–28.11.2024 #PMRExpo

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Firmenvortrag: KELLNER TELECOM GmbH - 5G Campusnetze: Mehrwert und Herausforderungen für Standortübergreifende Anwendungen | Event on the PMRExpo 2023

Company presentation: KELLNER TELECOM GmbH - 5G Campus Networks: Value and Challenges for Cross-Site Applications

from PMRExpo
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PMRExpo Eventteam
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Connecting Area

The event

In this presentation, we will explore the establishment of cross-site 5G campus networks. We'll showcase potential use cases and the added value they offer. We'll also address the limitations and network requirements involved, while providing a glimpse into future developments.


Strategic Corporate Development

Kellner Telecom GmbH